
Thursday, August 19, 2010


Hallo. I'm back after an extremely long hiatus. I apologize for my absence. I feel horrible. There I was all excited with the promise of excellence and then I let that all sink. I let my rose coloured glasses grow dark and stained, until I could no longer see through them. It is about time that I clean them right? I hope I have what it takes to be a freelancer... I thought I did but I let myself slip into a sense of void in which I made no progress. I sat and whined and complained of the lack of activity, when I could have been learning and gaining credibility online. No more I say! No more just sitting. I am going to work hard. I will not allow myself to slip again.
So I apologize and I will do better... much better.
 I will make a goal to do at least one drawing per day for the rest of the year...

So the counter has begun!
134 days left, 0 drawings done.

The Stargazer

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