
Monday, August 23, 2010

The Constellations

Ok, so you all already know these constellations.. But I couldn't resist drawing them again in the newer style! So here they are once more:

Corvus The Crow

Columba The Dove

And last but not least, Toucana The Toucan

130 days left, 13 drawings done

The Stargzer

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Lemonade and Jamaica

Previously, I mentioned that Summer's best friend was Lemonade. After all, what's more refreshing on a hot summer day than lemonade right? Well, I would like you all to meet him.

Isn't he sweet? He can be sour though.. ahaha.

The next person on the list is Jamaica (Ya-my-kah). She is a sweet girl who is friends with everyone. She loves to party and is an excellent dancer.

Tell me what you think about these two?

131 days left, 10 drawings done

The Stargazer


Hi everyone! My real post is going to be very late today. I'm sorry ;__;. This evening (or tonight) you will see the artwork you are waiting for. Yay. Ok byebye now, have a nice day!

The Stargazer

Saturday, August 21, 2010

The Seasonal Sisters

Ok, so you remember Spring right? She has three sisters! They are Summer, Autumn and Winter. They all have contrasting personalities.
Ok! First up is the youngest sister. She happens to be the most excitable out of all the girls. Possibly because she eats too many sweets. Also, for some reason she doesn't get along well with Mocha. How can anyone not get along with Mocha? Her best friend is Lemonade (who will be featured soon).

The next sister is Autumn. She is the most generous out of the girls. She always loves to give a helping hand. She gets along with everyone as does Spring.

The last and oldest sister is Winter. She hides a shy heart under a cold demeanor. She tends to be sarcastic. Her best friend is Mocha, despite the age difference. During the warmer months, Winter can always be found hiding in the comfort of the air conditioning... but her level of comfort is very different from her sisters.

132 days left, 8 drawings done

The Stargazer

Friday, August 20, 2010


This is Spring.. drawn under the influence of Binaural Beats. I know that it is summer so I ought to be drawing her but she can wait until tomorrow right? She is a gentle soul.. full of sunshine and flowery things. She, along with her three (3) sisters are vegetarians. :) Any ideas what I could do with her?

133 days left, 5 drawings done

Wow! I'm really making progress aren't I?

The Stargazer


This is Gaia. Hello Gaia! She is in the same boat as Mocha. Drawn with no particular significance except for the influence of Binaural Beats. She could be something.. but what?

133 days, 4 drawings done

The Stargazer


Now.... I feel like drinking coffee... .... yum......... >_>;;;
Ok, so here is Mocha! She has no particular significance.. she just is. However, I really like her. So here she is. Yay for Mocha! She could become something though... maybe a mascot? Buttons? Keychain? A T-shirt??? Something....

133 days left, 3 drawings done

The Stargazer

Kiss The Joy

"He who binds himself to a Joy,
Does the winged life destroy
He who kisses the joy as it flies,
Live in eternity's sunrise.""

   By William Blake

This is actually a poem based on the Buddhist's view on attachment. Don't become attached to anything, you will crush it.

133 days/ 2 drawings done

The Stargazer

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Solitude in Solitude

Meet Solitude..... well.. Solitude chibi doll. He is one of my favourite characters. I love him something fierce!!
I have a couple of drawings of him on my deviantart page and others that I have not uploaded. Solitude is a tragic character. He has a little sister named Misery. Their father was an elf and their mother a human. In their societies, that was not accepted. Solitude looks more elven and Misery looks full human. The elves decided to rid themselves of the blasphemy of Solitude's parents. So when Solitude was 5 and Misery 1, the elves raided their house and murdered the parents. They sold Solitude into slavery and Misery was given to a human family without children. ;___; poor Solitude... he has a rough life....

134 days left, 1 drawing done.

The Stargazer


Hallo. I'm back after an extremely long hiatus. I apologize for my absence. I feel horrible. There I was all excited with the promise of excellence and then I let that all sink. I let my rose coloured glasses grow dark and stained, until I could no longer see through them. It is about time that I clean them right? I hope I have what it takes to be a freelancer... I thought I did but I let myself slip into a sense of void in which I made no progress. I sat and whined and complained of the lack of activity, when I could have been learning and gaining credibility online. No more I say! No more just sitting. I am going to work hard. I will not allow myself to slip again.
So I apologize and I will do better... much better.
 I will make a goal to do at least one drawing per day for the rest of the year...

So the counter has begun!
134 days left, 0 drawings done.

The Stargazer